You can make some positive changes in the lives of these troubled people by showing them the right direction towards financial independence. There isn't any problem in suggesting something to a family member who is willing to take an advice, but stay away from the snappy person, who will blame you for the losses.
Always suggest them to cut their extra expenses that are irrelevant and unnecessary. Help them in saving their money rather than spending on movies, shopping and entertainment. They can reduce their outings, and cut their expenditure on lavish restaurants and clubs. This can be managed if you suggest them the less costly outlets for partying and hangouts.
If they are seeking a useful advice from you, then don't hesitate keeping a check on their finances. Don't impose your decisions on them, but stay polite and keep a friendly tone while suggesting something, else the situation can become quite uneasy. Financial matters are quite tricky, they must be handled with care, so are the relationships. You have to choose correct words to make them more comfortable with you in sharing their mistakes. Just encourage them and half the battle is won. They will open up with you on their negative points and you can easily analyze their situation.
Trust me it is an awesome feeling to save someone from their money troubles, and especially if that person is your family member. If you are going to do something like that, then these suggestions can make you a better advisor and educator. All the best with your consultation: - Tony Wiley Chicago
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